5 Ways to Save Time in Your Business

Do you feel like time is slipping through your fingers? Always feel like you are playing catch-up? Here are a few easy ways to find more time in your day.

 Pay particularly close attention to number 4. ;-)

1. Plan, Plan, Plan: By having a plan, you stay focused. You also tend to give in to distractions less often when you have a set of specific tasks to accomplish. But don't forget to plan long-term goals, tasks, and milestones too. Otherwise, you could get stuck doing daily tasks without ever really growing your business.

2. Use Block Time: Batch your tasks to be more effective. You don't have to answer an email as soon as you get it. Instead, block out 1-2 times a day specifically for email. Do similar tasks at the same time. Also, work in shorter periods with short breaks in between. This helps you stay focused and on task. It also helps your brain function better because it's not jumping around.

3. Evaluate Tasks: Do the tasks you accomplish each day bring in a return that matches the time spent on them? If they do, great. If not, it's time to stop doing them, do them more effectively, or let someone else do them for you.

4. Outsourcing is Key: Do you have tasks that you dislike doing? Are there things you don't do well or don't know how to do? Then, let someone else do them for you. When you don't know how to do something or dislike doing it, that task can become a time suck and can encourage distractions. When you outsource these tasks, you are free to focus on other important parts of your business. (Hint: bookkeeping is a great job to outsource. Click here to learn more https://buff.ly/42z7xcA )

5. Get Rest: This may seem counterintuitive, but it's hard to do a job and do it well when you are fatigued. So get a good night's sleep. Take time to rejuvenate away from your business. You'll be surprised at how much you can accomplish with a clear and refreshed mind.


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